Individual Contributions III
The hand ended up looking pretty polygonal in game, so I made a higher-res version and reskinned it to the mannequin hand skeleton. I also skinned the game-res watch after using the non-linear Bend deformer tool in Maya to wrap it around the wrist.
I later had to split the hand and watch, since I'd skinned them as a single mesh. I exported each as a separate skeletal mesh that both use the mannequin hand skeleton.I also worked on getting the MetaHuman stuff into our project. I managed to finally get the retargeting to work properly.
I ran into an issue where I was trying to mix and match parts of the different available MetaHumans from Quixel, adding them into a single BP, bringing that into our project, and then trying to retarget. The issue was that each piece was referencing a different (but identical) skeleton, and when I would retarget, the skeletal meshes that weren't from the original SampleMetaHumans project that came with the retargeting pose wouldn't acknowledge the retargeted animation.
There was another little thing that wasn't in Epic's documentation: in the skeleton tree of both the MetaHuman skeleton and the mannequin skeleton, I needed to go to options and check Show Retargeting Options, and then everything except the first to bones -- the root and pelvis -- needed to be set to Skeleton for their Translation Retargeting. The root and pelvis get set to Animation. Also, in the Set Up Rig options in the Retargeting Manager, the IK options on the mannequin (turn on Show Advanced) all get set to None for which bone they get mapped to. Retargeting was possible without this being set but it looked bad.
After getting all that figured out, we had several crashes when it was brought into the scene. Manny's also having issues with getting it to work with the line trace. Chris suggested just using a static pose of the MetaHuman instead, and we may end up having to do that.