Monday, August 2, 2021

3D Art: Portfolio Three Week Three

 New Tactic + Getting Pieces in Engine

I'm still behind, but at least wanted something textured and in engine by today. The torso is mostly done, the biggest problem being the UVs. I scrapped what I had originally because I hated how it was turning out, and using the Draw Polygon tool to draw each individual face was soul-sucking, and made adding depth to each piece kind of a challenge.

My new plan was to make a relatively simple mesh that got the proportions and general silhouette of the robot, bring that into ZBrush, and extract the pieces I needed for the panels. I felt like I could get cleaner shapes this way.

My plan was to zRemesh these, using the polygroups to preserve the edges. The problem I ran into was that there were errors in the mesh that stopped zRemesher from working. This meant that I had to decimate the mesh before I could move forward, which means the topology isn't great and neither are the UVs. My mid-res mesh sits at 1.2 million polys.

I essentially have a little less than three days to get this ready for industry review. Since capstone and common art are ending tomorrow, I'm hopeful that if I dedicate all my time to finishing the legs and forearms I can have a more-or-less finished robot.

What I do have is in engine as nanite and seems to be working pretty well for being 1.2 million polys. I looked up the average height of a transformer, which was about 30 feet, so that's what scale I was basing this model off of.

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