Final Materials, Textures, and Display of Work
A headshot of Squidface in Unreal:
Some Substance Painter images:
Unreal renders:
Final Materials, Textures, and Display of Work
A headshot of Squidface in Unreal:
Some Substance Painter images:
Unreal renders:
Team Three: Individual Contributions III
- Added buildings with emissive windows as outdoor elements.
- Added waterdrop effect to window pane.
- Adjusted room dimensions; brought the walls in, trying to have the room feel big enough while also having all interactable elements within reach.
- Imported Jacob's new dresser and nightstand meshes, and updated drawer blueprints with new meshes. Created a drawer BP for the nightstand.
- Added closet shelf, also added and hangers as pick-up objects (need to work on collision).
- Cleaned out old proxy meshes.
Proxy Mesh and Starting High Resolution Mesh
I modeled the pose directly, although I think I remember Nick mentioning having Squidface's legs straight and then posing them toward the end of the process, so I have another version with straight tentacles.
Team Three: Individual Contributions II
- Modeled and rigged briefcase
- Added briefcase to scene and applied physics
- Added cigarette smoke coming from ashtray
- Added movable window using the existing drawer logic, changing the movement axis from X to Z
- Added movable closet door with existing door logic
- Fixed UV issues with proxys
- Added outdoor skydome with HDR image
- Baked lighting